Black Cat Custom


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Check our our in-stock specials pages for in-stock gauge faces at discounted prices.



Standard gauge face colors for the Dodge Neon are white, silver or black.  The standard lighting colors are red, light blue, green, and yellow.  For custom designs or custom colors call 1-866-943-8641.  Prices listed are for the gauge face only - cluster is not included. When ordering a white or silver face, the daytime color of the numbers and markings will match your lighting color choice.

2000-2005 Dodge Neon/SX 2.0 240kmh Gauge Face $159.00 CAD

2000-2005 Neon Gauge Face 240 KMH

2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4 Gauge Face kmh $169.00 CAD

SRT-4 Gauge Face KMH Shown in Black with SRT-4 Logo

2000-2005 Neon/SRT4 LED Upgrade $49.00 CAD

The upgrade is an add-on to your gauge face order and includes LED's that replace the stock light bulbs.  Your gauge face will be specially prepared to work with the LED's.  This is an easy plug-in installation.  No wiring, soldering or special tools are required.

2000-2005 Dodge Neon HVAC Panel $39.00 CAD

2000-2005 Neon HVAC Shown in Black

1995-1999 Dodge Neon Gauge Face kmh $149.00 CAD

1995-1999 Neon Gauge Face kmh

1995-1999 Dodge Neon HVAC Panel $35.00 CAD

95-99 Neon HVAC Shown in Black

My Text My Text will be positioned in the Speedometer for the 94-99 Neon and in the Tachometer for 00+ Neon. My Text is your personal logo up to 10 characters. Quotation marks are not printed. If you choose the My Text logo, enter your text in the text box. The font will be the same font that is used in the gauge face layout. The color will be the same color as the numbers and markings on the gauge face.